League coordinator is Doreen Davie.  ddavie64@aol.com    708-259-2065


Registration is limited to the first 16 people who sign up.  Tee times are 5:10, 5:18, 5:26 and 5:34.  If you register and realize before registration closes that you are unable to play, please modify your registration to take your name off the list.  If you are waitlisted, you will receive an email saying so.  If someone cancels and you are moved from the waitlist to confirmed status, you will receive an email. 


You have until 7 pm the night before to sign up for league. Pairings will be posted on this event page under player info the evening prior or first thing league morning. 


If you need to cancel after pairings are posted please call the clubhouse.


Enjoy your round!